CIBS Replacement Filing 2020
Cast Iron Bare Steel (CIBS) Replacement Filing
Effective July 1, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission ruled on our Cast Iron Bare Steel (CIBS) replacement filing, Docket No. DG 20-049 2020 CIBS . They approved our request to recover $1.6 million in costs to replace old leak prone pipe.
The result of this cost recovery will be a slight increase in rates for gas customers. The Customer Charge increased $0.30 from $15.20 to $15.50, or 1.9529%. The Distribution Adj increased $0.0109/therm from $0.5569/therm to $0.5678/therm or 1.9529%. For an average customer using 28 therms in July, the increase in distribution rates will result in an increase of $0.61 compared to the previous distribution rates in effect.
We are committed to keeping our gas distribution system safe and reliable. An important part of doing that is through the replacement of older leak prone pipe. For information on all rates in effect please visit our rates page.