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Concord Steam Customers


Concord Steam and Liberty Utilities are pleased to announce that they have come to terms on an agreement that will provide for the orderly wind-down of Concord Steam’s operations, and the opportunity for Concord Steam’s customers to utilize Liberty Utilities natural gas service for their heating needs. For the past several years, Concord Steam has faced significant challenges in its efforts to provide reliable, low-cost service to its valued customers. The need for significant capital investment in its facilities, the low cost of competing energy services and the continued decline in Concord Steam’s customer base has had a large impact on its business.

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

  • Despite the best efforts of its employees, Concord Steam is losing customers due to the high cost of the product it provides. The steam plant and underground distribution system need significant capital investment, which will only add to the already high cost of steam. The shrinking customer base has led to these higher costs being spread over a smaller group of customers, which in turn raises rates.
  • Earlier this year Concord Steam petitioned the Public Utilities Commission for new emergency rates. These rates are over 20% higher than the rates last year. These increasing rates exacerbate the issues discussed above. If Concord Steam were to remain in operation for another heating season the rates it would be charging for its service would increase exponentially.
  • No. As discussed above, Concord Steam faces significant challenges. The owners of Concord Steam approached Liberty Utilities in an effort to ease the closure for their customers. Concord Steam would be closing at some point in the future, with or without Liberty Utilities involvement.
  • Liberty Utilities’ payment to Concord Steam is being used to cover continued operating costs and wind down expenses. These are expenses that would exist regardless of the agreement with Liberty Utilities. The $1.9 million is reducing the cost of steam being paid by Concord Steam’s customers this heating season.
  • Contact Andrew Morgan at Liberty Utilities (603-782-2321). Andy can discuss the costs, savings and process of converting from steam to natural gas service.
  • Andy Morgan at Liberty Utilities (603-782-2321) can assist you in the conversion process and help discuss replacement options. In addition, see the right column of this page for a list of HVAC contractors that can assist you in installing and purchasing equipment.
  • Liberty Utilities and Unitil are both members of NHSaves. NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities working with the NH Public Utilities Commission and other interested parties to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environment statewide. You can find more information about energy efficiency programs and rebates at or by calling (603) 216-3698. In addition, the Jordan Institute, a local non-profit, is working to bring an efficiency financing program, C-PACE, to Concord. For more information go to
  • Yes. Liberty Utilities is working with Merrimack County Savings Bank ( and Norway Savings Bank ( on financing programs that are tailored to meet Concord Steam’s customer’s needs.
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